Mobile Marketing Subscriptions Pass 6 BILLION


Startling news has risen from the results of a mobile advertising report recently conducted by the CMO Council. Apparently, only 16% of marketers have instituted a mobile marketing strategy despite the fact that over 6 BILLION mobile subscriptions have been reported. That means that 86% of all marketing companies are failing to take advantage of over 6 billion subscriptions made by consumers. To us, this is absolutely mindblowing. Considering the power and gravity of mobile marketing, it is hard for us to fathom this fact. But that’s okay, we’re here to help you see the light!

It seems the biggest factor contributing to the low percentage of companies implementing mobile marketing has to do with the fact that they don’t feel like it is working. This could be true, but this is probably a result of a poorly planned and executed mobile strategy, lack of mobile marketing knowledge, or lack of analytics to properly measure your results. Regardless what the problem is, here at Anchor we guarantee we have the solution. We have had companies come in and tell us that they are not happy with their mobile marketing efforts, and we have been able to fix it and give them the results that they want. This has happened time and time again and we have utmost confidence in our methods. Why? Because we know what works!

Another interesting statistic derived from the study is that 77% of marketers report that there is a lack of case studies that demonstrate mobile marketing’s best practices. We have, in fact, a post on this very blog that gives you mobile marketing’s best practices. You can see that article here. We also have several other articles regarding mobile marketing that will help you. Diving into a mobile marketing campaign without knowing the facts or having extensive knowledge in the matter is a sure recipe for failure, and that is obviously what a majority of these companies have done. We know this because if mobile marketing is implemented correctly,it will become your most powerful marketing tool!


Interestingly enough, the CMO report supports this by stating that a majority of the companies who were unhappy with their mobile marketing campaigns indicated a “lack of understanding” on mobile. This was true among both brands and agencies. So the facts are there. It is clear that not only are a majority of companies unaware of the power of mobile marketing, but even when they do become aware of it, they do not understand it fully enough to successfully implement a mobile marketing campaign into their marketing strategy.

Just the fact that there are only 16% of all companies taking advantage of over 6 billion subscribers should tell you that there is a HUGE UNTAPPED market out there for you and your company. People travel around with cell phones and smartphones all the time, and it has gotten to the point where it has become an addiction. We actually have an entire blog dedicated to smartphone addiction here. Think to yourself, how often do you see people whip out their phones? All the time? Well, statistically speaking, 91% of all adults in the U.S. have a smartphone, 73% say they want to receive offers on their phones, 90% of all texts are read within 3 minutes, 97% of smartphone owners have their smartphones within arms reach at all times of the day, oh, and did we mention over 6 billion subscriptions have been reported?

We could continue, but what else is there to say? It is OBVIOUS that you should be thinking about launching a mobile marketing campaign, and soon! Before you know it, companies are going to figure out the mobile marketing game and will most assuredly pass you by if you don’t jump on the train now! Let us help you and your company take the bull by the horns and launch a successful mobile markting campaign today!

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