Web based opt in is a way for consumers and potential customers to join your mobile marketing campaign through a web based form. You build a list of customer contact information and details quickly and efficiently. You start with an online banner or text link campaign, then increase the size of your online leads database. This is a cost effective way for any company in any industry to build up a new prospect list or expand an existing customer database while at the same time growing revenue. This is an efficient and easy way to take advantage of mobile marketing.
Carrier Compliance
United States & Canada
Message and Data Rates May Apply. You may opt out at any time by sending STOP to 59769. Supported carriers: AT&T Mobility, Sprint, Nextel, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, Alltell, Virgin Mobile, U.S. Cellular, Boost and Cellular One. For help or information text HELP to 59769. Message and Data Rates May Apply.